Current Corruption and Ideas for improvement
Current Government Corruption
In 2023, the United States spent almost $100 million on the salaries of 357 elected officials.
Senators - 17.4 million
Representatives - 75.69 million
Senate leadership - 1.55 million
House leadership - 1.16 million
VP - 235,100
President - 400,000
= $95.8 million
The average salary in the US around $64,000 yet the annual salary for US House of Representatives is $174,000
Proposed Change:
Reduce salary to $65,000, which will return $60 million back to budget. This also ensures elected officials are representing the people.
Elected officials should be representing the people. It is impossible to represent the majority of Americans if you do not live like them. It is apparent that many elected officials have a significant conflict of interest in their current positions.
Proposed Change:
In order to decrease corruption from Officials employed to serve the people, we must restrict the ability of monetary gain while in office.
Elected Officials/Federally Appointed Individuals cannot:
Own/sell stocks
Be a part of any large company
Participate in Personal business ventures
Our Goals
Decrease Corruption
Protect Human Rights
Prioritize Individuals over Corporations
Ending for-profit insurance
Taxes and Wealth
2024 Tax Brackets:
10% - $11,925 and less
12% - $11,926-$48,475
22% - $48,476-$103,350
24% - $103,351-$197,301
32% - $197,301-250,525
35% - $250,526-$626,350
37% - $626,351+
Proposed Brackets*:
5% - $90,000 and less
8% - $90,001 - $249,999
13% - $250,000 - $499,999
18% - $500,000-$999,999
24% - $1,000,000+*
*Individuals making over a certain threshold may be subject to Charity Tax and Personal Responsibility Tax.
Charity Tax - Individuals making over 80% of the population are able to elect causes or charities their tax will go directly towards.
Charity Tax rates are still under review.
Wealth inequality:
Top 1% of earners hold 30% of Nation's wealth
Top 10% of earners hold 70% of Nation's wealth
Bottom 50% of earners hold 2.5% of nation's wealth
*Subject to change.
Personal Responsibility Tax - Individuals making over 90% of the population are subject to an additional tax that is used directly for public services.
Personal Responsibility Tax rates are still under review.
Est. 2024
The Games Party